german italian spanish
(US) Jan 2025
You can’t keep a good man down, and T.J. Cabot (a.k.a. Tyler Boutilier)
of PHONE JERKS and NERVE BUTTON fame has been an ardent practitioner of the
garage arts in various forms since the 2000s. His latest endeavor, the REAL
REJECTS, is maybe his most thoroughly realized project yet. With nine tracks
pressed on a 10”, Not Allowed dips into a range of raucous rock’n’roll
styles, celebrating the gritty simplicity of the juiciest proto-punk, the jumped-up
dynamics of 1990s budget rock, and all adjacent vibrations in between. While
the STOOGES-like title track is a certain standout, the soulful “Tin Foil
Hat” best manages to showcase all these sources of inspiration in a single
song. These guys are indeed keepin’ it real, even if their chosen moniker
sounds like they asked Chat GPT to spit out a garage punk band name. (JH)
greennoiserecords.com (US) Sep 2024 Electrified trash-can garage punk from Canada-land... gnawing on a downed power line...fuzz and rusty cans trash-compacted under the sink and bungeed to the backpacks of a pack of floppy-eared feral hounds with ribs showing and hindquarters strong with scar and sinew unleashed on the back alleys of your mind! Everybody twist...Twist and shout...the mind is a twister and the tornado warning is blowing...blow the roof off this place and let the wind rip the TV from the wall and channel it up to high heaven...twist that can and rip it into two...go man go...go out of your mind and flip your lids to the sounds of the Real Rejects! (mw)
fasterandlouderblog.blogspot.com (USA) July 2024 Well here you go, kids: the garage-trash budget punk rock 'n' roll ear-melting, face-smashing, world-wrecking degenerate masterpiece you've been awaiting with bated breath can now be yours courtesy of the legendary Alien Snatch Records. A couple weeks back, I proclaimed Real Rejects the "next big thing" in the garage punk universe. This was not just a personal whim but rather the result of meticulous research and consultation with my spiritual advisors. Or maybe I just knew that if Alien Snatch was in on the action, everyone with impeccable taste in music was going to want a Real Rejects tattoo by year's end. Real Rejects are TJ Cabot (Phone Jerks, Nerve Button) on vocals & guitar, Jesse Leblanc (Feral Trash, Outtacontroller) on guitar, Claude Doiron (Nerve Button, Bad Luck #13) on bass, Sonic Hz on keyboards, and Cam Murphy (Thee Requiems, Ghostown Belle) on drums. It was by complete accident that the band name brings to mind two of the greatest garage punk bands of the post-2000 years, The Real Losers and Teenage Rejects (who both, by the way, had releases on Alien Snatch). Yet the shared musical DNA is undeniable. You may or may not consider Not Allowed a full-length album depending on which side of the 10-inch record debate you fall on. But at nine tracks and an 18-minute running time, it makes the full-length cut in my book. I'm no longer a collector of vinyl recordings, but when I was, I thought 10-inchers were the coolest. They have the versatility to be albums or EPs or singles, which is very cool in my book. And I've never been able to understand why anyone would ever prefer 7 inches if they could have ten. Good on Alien Snatch for believing in this format! Whether it's an album or a mini-album or a super-sized EP, Not Allowed is an absolute scorcher of a record. After all those years of solo home recording, Tyler has really hit the jackpot with this merry band of Moncton punk greats. These guys rock l.a.m.f. and take the Rejects' sound to the next level. These nine tracks fully realize the potential of all those really awesome TJ Cabot releases of years past. Think Stooges meet DMZ meets Pagans meet ? and the Mysterians meet Angry Samoans meet Rip Off Records — or something like that. I'm not saying that the Summer of Spite digital single wasn't full-blown killer. But the thing about Daniel at Alien Snatch is that he has an ear for greatness, and of course the stuff on Not Allowed is the top shelf Real Rejects. I love the blend of high energy, organ-driven '60s garage rock; filthy, attitude-laden '70s/early '80s punk; and quintessential '90s/2000s budget trash. The tunes are great; the lyrics are hilarious and wonderfully spiteful; and the energy level is off the charts. This is the perfect album length for me: it still leaves you wanting more, but it won't leave you feeling short-changed. Is this really an album? Of course it's an album, and it's one of the year's best! Jay Castro and I taped a new episode of our Born Too Late podcast last night in which we listed our all-time favorite releases from Alien Snatch Records. As I prepared my list, I was really awed by the sheer volume of amazing records that have come out (and continue to come out) on this label. Without a doubt, this is one of the greatest punk rock record labels to ever exist, and it's incredible that Daniel has kept it going strong for 25 years and counting. So when you head on over to Bandcamp to purchase Not Allowed (come on: you know you're going to!), be sure to take a deeper dive into the Alien Snatch catalog. I know it's terribly irresponsible of me to be compelling you to spend money during inflationary times, but I can't think of a record label or roster of bands that's more worthy of some of your hard-earned dollars. What good is life without music? (Josh Rutlegde)
addtowantlist.com (NL) July 2024 Two weeks ago, Real Rejects (formerly Thee Artificial Rejects) dropped two of the best garage punk tracks I’d heard in 2024 yet. That statement became dated once I heard their nine-song debut album – one that easily fits on a 10" 45RPM record. From the OCD anthem opener I’m Not Allowed, it’s clear that Real Rejects are sonic alchemists, turning raw noise into pure gold. This quintet, all veterans from the Moncton (Canada) scene – T.J. Cabot (Phone Jerks, Nerve Button), Jesse Leblanc (Feral Trash), Claude Doiron (Nerve Button, Bad Luck #13), Sonic Hz, and Cam Murphy (Thee Requiems, Ghostown Belle) – plays with a fervor that is admirable. The bloodied strumming hand of T.J. Cabot on the back cover isn’t just album art; it’s a battle scar. Not Allowed may be lo-fi, but it roars like a freight train. Even when they ditch the drums on the 70-second Tire Change, the song maintains its energy. And even when the chord progressions and melodies sound familiar (like in the amazingly fun one-two punch Bicycle Pit and Tin Foil Hat), Real Rejects prove that it is not about reinventing the wheel, but how you make it spin. And while the casual listener might zoom in on the amped-up energy, attentive ears will catch the comedic absurdity of the band in lines like “I’m stuck in a baby swing, let me out!” (from Stuck In A Baby Swing).Not Allowed is out now through Alien Snatch! Records. I am definitely buying it. (Niek)
fasterandlouderblog.blogspot.com (USA) July 2024 Summer of Spite Single - After four years of making joke references to Thee Artificial Rejects as if they were real musicians causing chaos in TJ Cabot's life, I can now introduce the Real Rejects: TJ Cabot (Phone Jerks, Nerve Button) on vocals & guitar, Jesse Leblanc (Feral Trash) on guitar, Claude Doiron (Nerve Button, Bad Luck #13) on bass, Sonic Hz on keyboards, and Cam Murphy (Thee Requiems, Ghostown Belle) on drums. This is the next big thing in garage punk rock 'n' roll, and today you can get into the fan club on the ground floor before the rates go up. After all those years of solo recording in his home studio, Tyler needed a band to play with live. And so very quickly, TJ Cabot and Thee Artificial Rejects simply became the Real Rejects. You know you're on fire when you sort of stumble into one of the best band names in years. Seriously: if you saw a record, and the band name was the Real Rejects, you would instinctively know it was cool. The band's debut digital single is called Summer of Spite, and it features two songs written about one particular day in 2023. Summer of Spite is a great title for this single. Tyler sounds really pissed off — as if you told him that there's no such thing as good pizza in the Maritimes and now he's determined to make you pay. "Eighty Five (On the Inside)" is a raw, riff-driven garage rocker featuring a wonderfully nasty vocal. "Crossed in the Supermarket" is in more familiar TJ Cabot territory of a fast & frenzied punk rock 'n' roll punch in the face. While the former track is based on real events, the fact that Tyler didn't have to release this single from prison suggests that certain artistic liberties may have been taken with some of the outcomes. The latter track is about shopping for alcohol while inebriated, and it may be the first great "post-pandemic" anthem I've encountered. I can't say I've ever heard a garage punk single before where I thought both songs were practically short stories. Perhaps when it's all said and done, Summer of Spite will be worthy of a full-length movie! If you prefer your summertime jams on the spiteful side or simply love garage punk, the Real Rejects are the band for you. (Josh Rutlegde)
Tremendo Garaje (Spain) July 2024 Those of you who have been following us for a long time already know our passion for Tyler Boots, we've been fans of this true Canadian budget-rock hero for a very long time, both solo as TJ Cabot, as well as in the numerous projects he has been involved in, among them Nerve Button or Phone Jerks, because we can assure you that few guys can keep our faith in the current Punk-Garage scene, as Tyler and his cronies. That's why we had such high hopes for the first album released on always amazing @alien.snatch.records, from his latest insanity, REAL REJECTS, a new five-piece in which Tyler surrounds himself with Moncton scene legends and veterans, to offer us a wild, fierce, raw and harshy Rawk'n'Roll Punk, that will make you remember everything good that this genre has been losing over time, and that it seems that in the Canadian Maritime provinces still keeps its primitive essence intact!
RAZORCAKE #121 (US) March 2021 This LP has its foot on the accelerator for the punk’n’roll crowd. The second song on the album, “Numb the Mind,” is a real slammer. The two-minute opus opens on a playful chuggy riff you wish you’d thought of, evolves nicely into ratchet speed, then devolves into chaos. “Occipital Neuralgia” steers the album to a series of one-and-a quarter minute blasts of speedy downstroke riffs. “It Ain’t Fun in the City of Whiplash” is a surprisingly excellent slow jam with a hammer. It’s sung well and plays familiar but not contrived. Well, maybe a little contrived, but you won’t mind. It’s a real winner for lovers of the hot blast. Highly recommended. (BA)
maximumrocknroll.com (US) Jan 2021 This record really ticks off the boxes—eleven tracks, none of them over two-and-a-half minutes long, and reportedly recorded on one cheap microphone (but sounds better than most studio efforts). It has taffy-sweet hooks, but still sounds tough. Basically everything you want from nihilistic garage punk that’s still palatable enough to put on at a dinner party (depending on how cool your friends are). Hits a great STOOGES-like peak with the “Gimme Danger”-echoing highlight “It Ain’t Fun (In the City of the Whiplash).” The whole album slips in, slaps your face and dips out before you can ask for another. Raucous, gritty, and near-perfect. (LH)
greennoiserecords.com (US) Dec 2020 Brand-new release from Alien Snatch! Records (Berlin), low budget basement beer-bottle busting punk rock n roll, maximum trash compactor economy, chewing on live wires with a mouthful of spit and 40 weight, stomping in puddles, biting mics, spilling beers in the amps and busting bottles against the cinder blocks, but in all the filth and whiplash, remains tattered pages of what the Kinks and the Who taught us in mid 1960s and Ramones clearly reminded us in the mid 1970s, no matter how deep you dig into the dumpster, you gotta come out with your filthy face grinning, feet kicking and your fist pumping, no matter how mangled that melody gets, you gotta charge forward and keep some intact, this band maybe mostly inspired by Animal and Oscar the Grouch and folks like the garage crunch of the Novas, and probably obviously not too concerned about what happened in the past or what some jackass like me is going to say in the future, ripping it up like a textbook before skipping out, wrapping it up like a guitar chord around your turkey neck, ripping loose like the Tasmanian Devil, blasting out of Detroit, Cleveland, Memphis, Rocket From the Tombs, Stooges, MC5 and the Oblivians, grabbing you from the get-go like that punk kid that saves the day at the show and rips you from your stupor and gets the show going, slowing it down for a moment for some of "It Ain't Fun (in the City of the Whiplash)" which they stretch out for two minutes and fifteen seconds, the cuts spitting out like spurts out of the last gallon of the pumped up keg of low-budget Canadian brew. Drain it and drink up, pint-stowp take a cup o' kindness old acquaintance be forgotten, the new decade is nearly upon us and this album is a great place to start if off. Yours truly and unruly.. (mw)
fasterandlouderblog.blogspot.com (USA) Dec 2020 Alien Snatch Records has saved 2020! The venerable German label has released the debut album from Canadian underground sensations TJ Cabot & Thee Artificial Rejects - an 11-song long player that features several tracks once feared to be lost forever. The tale of TJ Cabot & Thee Artificial Rejects is one filled with intrigue, heroism, controversy, and shocking violence. Cabot, a notorious multi-instrumentalist and talented hellraiser, fell into the company of drunken libertarians Millhouse Deville, Rooster Targett, Skookie Tobin, and Leblanc Road Leo. Plans were hatched to wreak havoc up and down the eastern coast of Canada. Manifestos were to be written. Bridges were to be blown up. Sovereign states were to be established. As the drink flowed, the group decided to just record some songs instead. This past spring, Demos Recorded in the Anus of the Maritimes was released to tremendous acclaim. And then trouble ensued. Squabbles over intellectual property and the political direction of the group led to the best songs on the album being pulled from the digital release. The world mourned. People read my review and wondered where these songs I referenced had gone. Not content to sit around and allow a potentially classic release to fall into the dustbin of history, Daniel from Alien Snatch took decisive action. Armed with potent beverages and rare Von Zippers vinyl, he crossed the Atlantic by ship and descended upon the Maritime wilderness to broker a deal that would satisfy all parties. And today songs such as "Occipital Neuralgia", "I Am The Enemy", and "Vile Converted Mind" return to permanent circulation. Depending on your current location, you may even witness celebrations in the streets. It's only appropriate that Alien Snatch Records has brought TJ Cabot & Thee Artificial Rejects' debut album to the world at large. And that's because this sounds like a record that Alien Snatch and Rip Off Records may have wrestled each other to release in the early 2000s. It's informed by equal parts '70s punk and proto-punk, '90s garage punk and budget rock, and modern-day lo-fi trash. Recorded with just a single $5 microphone on a decade-old laptop, these tracks are super raw and about as lo-fi as it gets. Daniel, in his inimitable style, references everyone from the MC5 to the Spaceshits to Kajun SS to Gino and the Goons to the almighty Pack on the album's press release. And my tender ears pick up on touchstones ranging from the Stooges to the Saints to the Angry Samoans to Sick Thoughts. This just has the feel of a garage punk record from that prehistoric age when YouTube did not yet exist and nobody under the age of 18 used text messaging. Cabot and his (literal) partners in crime tear through mostly 1-2 minute songs that run the gamut from vicious ("Numb the Mind") to trashy ("On Off") to positively pummeling ("Cold In May") to kinda almost poppy ("Nowhere To Go"). Who needs fancy equipment or a fourth chord when you can bang out some noise as righteously ferocious as this? I'm not saying that records like this never get made these days. But when they do, Alien Snatch is frequently involved. I would recommend TJ Cabot & Thee Artificial Rejects to fans of Phone Jerks, although it should be noted that a fierce, contentious, and highly territorial rivalry exists between the two bands. You know how intense things get in the Maritimes. Suffice it to say that this is a debut LP that will be very much in contention for the honor of my #1 punk rock album of 2020. If it takes the top spot, it will have to supplant another local band that shall remain nameless for the moment. What in god's name is in the air up there? (Josh Rutlegde)
justsomepunksongs.blogspot.com (USA) Dec 2020 Busy Busy Busy... Both Alien Snatch Records, who this month are responsible for releasing 3 excellent albums (so don't be surprised if I'm returning to feature more music from the label very soon) and one of those bands, TJ Cabot & Thee Artificial Rejects who during the course of 2020 have released an 8 track Demo, a digital single called Overcompensation, the Dick Charles ep, the Get Ready Get Set! ep and now a Self Titled full length. As I revealed back in June they're a rough and ready garage punk outfit from Moncton, Canada, featuring Phone Jerks frontman Tyler Boots. Trashy, lo-fi and proud of it, they're budget rock n rollers for fans of the likes of Jay Reatard or Gino And The Goons. The album boasts 11 lean & mean cuts clocking in at a little under the 20 minute mark. As with the best of the genre, it's authentic sounding garage goodness underpinned by some pretty catchy tunes. You'll want to check it out. I'm not sure how many of the vinyl variants remain (there were 100 on clear vinyl with black swirls and 200 on black) so head on over to Bandcamp now! I think this is possibly my favourite track, it's called Nowhere To Go...(MF)
Tremendo Garaje (Spain) July 2024 Los que nos seguís desde hace tiempo ya conocéis nuestra pasión por Tyler Boots, somos fans de este auténtico héroe del budget-rock canadiense desde hace muchísimo tiempo, tanto en solitario como TJ Cabot, como en los numerosos proyectos en los que ha estado involucrado, entre ellos Nerve Button o Phone Jerks, porque os podemos asegurar que pocos tipos como este pueden mantener nuestra fe en la escena Punk-Garage actual, como Tyler y sus compinches. Por eso teníamos tantas esperanzas puestas en el primer álbum editado en la especializada ALIEN SNATCH! RECORDS de su última locura, REAL REJECTS, un nuevo quinteto en el que Tyler se rodea de leyendas y veteranos de la escena de Moncton, para ofrecernos un Rawk'n'Roll Punk salvaje, feroz, crudo y áspero, que te hará recordar todo lo bueno que este género ha ido perdiendo con el tiempo, y que parece que en las provincias marítimas de la costa este canadiense aún mantiene intacta su esencia primitiva!
mitocadiscosdual.blogspot.com (Spain) July 2024 Demos paso a posiblemente el disco de punk rock del año. El debut de estos canadienses es excelso gracias a una mixtura de punk y retazos de garage rock clásico todo reproducido a gran velocidad y sin pausa. Riffs endemoniados y un sabor a los primeros Saints y hasta unos Cynics revolotean por los escasos veinte minutos de este artefacto que es un verdadero cañonazo
Tremendo Garaje (Spain) DEC 2020 Os voy a decir otro tipo para el que este 2020 también ha sido un "gran" año... Que no es otro que el Puto Tyler Boots, al que ya conocíamos por su participación en los Phone Jerks ,que esta temporada, reencarnado en el "supervillano" TJ Cabot, decidió reclutar a un sectario grupo de secuaces malhechores, a cual mas borracho y gamberro, para tanto acompañado de ellos, como los Artificial Rejects, como en solitario, cometer actos de barbarie en su Nueva Escocia natal, convirtiéndose pronto en el terror de toda la costa este canadiense, y desde allí a ritmo frenético, con el Rock'n'Roll por bandera, a base de "háztelo tu mismo" y ultrabaja fidelidad tirada a todo trapo comenzar su conquista del planeta. Con sus nuevos poderes de malvado abyecto a la altura de Thanos, le hemos vistos hacer de todo, y de todo hemos ido dado cuenta en Tremendo Garaje ,desde viajar en el tiempo para estar en los estudios Dick Charles con los Ramones en el 75, hasta dar un salto cuántico y plantarse en Teramo, donde la Goodbye Boozy records le editó uno de sus codiciados 7", con tres fabulosos temas zarrapastrosos y mas ariscos que una lija de grano gordo, que tenían la capacidad de volverte instantáneamente en uno de sus por siempre devotos acólitos, y así entrar en una espiral de maquiavélica destrucción en la que este tipo ha demostrado una desmesurada y mas que prolífica capacidad para desatar el mal, que tras una ingente cantidad de pérfidas ediciones han ido perfeccionando el arma definitiva, hasta acabar materializándose en este artefacto de destrucción masiva, en la también todopoderosa ALIEN SNATCH! RECORDS ,que con el homónimo nombre de TJ CABOT AND THE ARTIFICIAL REJECTS, es el Armagedón total que acabará con este mundo, para que nunca mas nos tengamos que preocupar de un puto virus, y Greta se desmelene y deje de pensar en calentamiento global... Y es que uno no elije como nace, pero si puedo elegir donde palmarla, que sea arrasado por esta puta barbaridad! Con su ya mencionada capacidad de viajar en el tiempo, Tyler ha conseguido aunar en este destructivo engendro aquellos primeros designios del punk primigenio de los setenteros Angry Samoans, con el vandalismo feroz y frenético del punk-garage noventero de los New Bomb Turks... Y además, y ahí es donde está el especial merito de este inspirado descerebrado, conseguir que con un micro de 5 pavos y un destartalado set de grabación que a cualquier otro lo único que le provocaría sería arcadas, o un ataque de risa, lograr insuflar todo el conjunto de ese anguloso "lofi trash" de la escena actual, logrando por fin que el Rock'n'Roll Punk vuelva a sonar, sin tener que renunciar a ningún matiz de los que han hecho a este genero el mejor espectáculo del mundo... Que ya os digo yo que no es el circo!
OX (GER) #177 DEC 2024 Mit maximal verlottert-rauhem Garage-Trash im allerbesten Crypt-Style gibt ein kanadisches Quintett seinen Einstand auf einer kurzen, aber knackigen 10“-Mini-LP, die sich zudem auch noch auf 45 rpm dreht. Tyler Boutilier aka TJ Cabot gibt mit seinen manisch überdrehten Gesangsfetzen und einer halsbrecherisch schnellen Stakkato-Gitarre den Kurs vor, dabei sind natürlich Parallelen zu Bands wie den NEW BOMB TURKS, ZEKE, den PAGANS und selbst den STOOGES (der „Raw Power“-Ära) offenkundig. Die Energie wird in den neun Nummern niemals nur ansatzweise heruntergefahren, alles bleibt im roten Bereich, die Band testet ihre eigenen Grenzen aus und die der Hörer ebenfalls. Soundtechnisch darf man keine Wunder erwarten, die Aufnahme hat amateurhaften Charme, das ist eben das Geheimnis des Erfolgs von Budget Rock. Lediglich der Orgelsound ist wirklich fies, da hätte womöglich jede Farfisa-Replika vom Trödelmarkt-besser geklungen. Unterm Strich bleibt die Band ein wenig hinter ihren Möglichkeiten zurück, das Songwriting ist eindimensional, die Ausstrahlung wirkt bei aller aufgekratzten Rotzigkeit bemüht, aber das ist womöglich eingepreist, und die Band hat mit Sicherheit auf der Bühne noch mehr Potenzial zu bieten als auf dem etwas ungelenken Debüt. (7/10) (GH)
manierenversagen.de (GER) July 2024 Endlich mal wieder eine formschöne Vinylschallplatte auf der Originalgröße von 10". So, wie Gott Emil Berliner es geplant hatte. Passend dazu auch der formvollendete Rock’n’Roll Punk Rotz von TJ Cabot in einem neuen Gewand namens The Real Rejects. Kanadas schnellste Orgel, dreckigstes Schlagzeug und lauteste Gitarre vereint in einer neuen Band um die fleischgewordenen Verzerrer-Stimmbänder von Tyler Boutilier. 9 Songs für die Schulabbrecher in der letzten Reihe. Cooler Scheiß aus Moncton, Kanada. (A)
OX (GER) #155 April 2021 Dafür, dass das Aufnahmeequipment mit nur einem Pfandcoupon bezahlt werden konnte, klingt das ver-dammt gut. „Cold in may“ wirkt wie ein verlorener Song der ANGRY SAMOANS, aber es geht auch im Sonny Vincent/TESTORS-Style, DEAD MOON und neuere LoFi-Perlen wie Bands auf Jeth-Row oder eben NAZI DEATH CAMP. Nicht lange fackeln, Idee, Riff, 1-2-3, fertig ist der Song. Manchmal herrlich kaputt, an anderer Stelle schimmert der verdreckte ungeschliffene Diamant durch, bei dem man noch nicht weiß, ob er Einschlüsse hat oder nicht. Die komplette Bandbreite derer, die keine großen Bühne brauchen, solange sie die Felgen an der Garagenwand ordentlich beschallen können. Über die gesamte Strecke erscheint es fast wie ein Sampler mit jeder Menge Bands, die zwischen Garage, Proto-Punk und eigenen Interpretationen von Lärm aus den Siebzigern pendeln. Ein Schelm hätte daraus auch gut und gerne einen verdammt gelungenen KBD-Fake-Sampler gebastelt, der sich wie geschnitten Brot verkaufen ließe. Lange nichts mehr derart Herzerfrischendes aus einem überdachten Autoabstellplatz gehört (8/10) (KS)
Sounds of Subterrania Mailorder (GER) JAN 2021 Die Werbung sagt: Aufgenommen mit einem 5$ Mikrophone und ehrlicherweise muss man sagen, das hört man auch. Nun ist Überproduktion nicht jedermanns Sache und der Klang erinnert wohltuend an den Sound der 2000er Jahre Garagenpunksingles, nur hätte ich mir bei so einer Knallerplatte, gepresst in die Länge einer LP, eigentlich den Sound des Infections Albums gewünscht, denn jetzt habe ich das Gefühl, ich muss ständig eine geschlossene Tür öffnen, um in den vollen Genuss dieses Meisterwerks zukommen. Daß es eines ist, steht außer Frage. Spaceshits, Oblivians, Hot Pockets oder auch den frühen Jens Bumper ( ich glaube sogar, hier werden die Gitarren gleich gehalten) kann man erhören. Kein Song länger als zweieinhalb Minuten, ja sogar wird oftmals nicht einmal die zwei Minuten Grenze gerissen. Live bestimmt der Megaknaller und catchy alle male. Von der Platte gibt es 300 Stück, also schnell sein
#393 (ITA) Nov 2024 Il canadese Tyler Boutilier sguazza
da anni nella scena raw punk in bassa fedeltà. Qui porta a compimento
il piano avviato coi PHONE JERKS e come TJ CABOT. Ferocia STOOGES (I’m
Not Allowed) declinata in un punk’n’roll arrembante alla NEW BOMB
TURKS s (Block It Out) dentro un perimetro budget rock dalle maglie larghe,
che guarda (anche) al garage punk dei Sixties (Two Short Legs). Una vera meraviglia
su vinile 10”. (vote: 77/100, MANUEL GRAZIANI, RUMORE, October 2024) (MG)
orticaxoundzforyou.blogspot.com (IT) July 2024 A me piace parecchio il Rock N Roll e, se fossi in voi, proverei ad ascoltare, anche solo ogni tanto, un po' di Rock N Roll. Non risolve nodi Gordiani di esistenze oramai allo sbando e compromesse, ma grezzo e sconveniente, come solo il Rock N Roll sa essere, ridona il sorriso anche alla bocca che da tempo immemore ne ha perso l' abitudine. Questo è e questo, pure, vi basti. Nati come espressione di un unico individuo, cambiando semplicemente un aggettivo nel nome, da artificiali a veri, i Real Rejects divengono un gruppo, lascito unico di più menti, e in questa transizione ne guadagnano in irruenza e credibilità. Non è un suono compatto, ma selvatico ed impreciso, quello che, poetico, fuoriesce fiero dai riproduttori sonori. Basta poco per esaltarsi quando ciò che scorre è puro Rock N Roll: Vien voglia di lasciarsi andare, ballare scomposti, sbattere la testa contro i muri fino a farli crollare, irrompere d'improvviso nell' appartamento attiguo del vicino e, con la testa sanguinante, svuotargli il frigo e l' angolo bar di tutto quello che di alcolico ha in casa e non perché in questi giorni il caldo ci frigga, bensì perché è il Rock N Roll dei Real Rejects a guidare le danze e a far crollare definitivamente quella mesta maschera da cittadino rispettabile. Tra attacchi irruenti, ritmiche scomposte, attimi da infarto, voce viziosa e svogliata, un che di armonicamente malinconico e struggente, è l' ideale più grande di tutti a sopravvivere in ultima istanza: Rock N Roll suonato con mannaie e coltelli, farsi a pezzi davanti a tutti per amore, per un bicchiere di vino rosso come il sangue, per il solo gusto di offendere tutto quello che pare intoccabile. In fin dei conti dischi come questo servono proprio a farti rendere conto di quanto posticcia sia la patina edulcorata dei giorni scanditi da orari, appuntamenti, riunioni importanti e routine tristi ma necessarie: un buco nel cielo di carta, il Rock N Roll è, come sempre, l' unica via di fuga possibile verso l' oltre, l' altrove, l'adesso o il mai più. (TS)
RUMORE (IT) Feb 2021 Scende la puntina su Cut It Down e si materializza Gordon Gano alla testa dei Pagans, per poi teletrasportarsi nella Detroit degli MC5. Ma questi sono canadesi e hanno tatuato sul petto gli Spaceshits, l’incredibile gang punk’n’roll di King Khan e Mark Sultan. A voi il miglior gruppo Budget Rock in circolazione, sorprendente nella lacerante ballata It Ain’t Fun e nella melodia epidemica di Nowhere To Go. (78/100, MG)
www.rnr666.hu (HU) Nov 2024 Te jó ég mekkora lemezindítás! Hááát lehet a ‘Not Allowed‘ az év dala nálam. Amúgy a többi hét sem marad el mögötte, sot az utolsó az majdnem pont olyan jó. Változatos az egész lemez, mégis nekem a 2000-es évek Atlanta-i vonala ugrik be legtöbbször, The Carbonas, The Customers, Dinos Boys ilyenek, a régebbiek közül meg a The New Bomb Turks. Szóval a stílus garage punk/RnR, rá lehet fogni, hogy lo-fi, de itt ez nem azt jelenti, hogy direkt szarul szól, mert nagyon is ki van találva a hangzás. A Klazo tavaly elotti lemeze szólt hasonlóan, kábé az sistergett így az elektromosságtól. Az meg, hogy orgona is van a zenekarban, csak még színesebbé teszi a képet. A srácok kanadaiak és elotte Thee Artificial Rejects néven futottak. Mégezelott az énekes/gitáros meg talán a basszer is a kurvajó Phone Jerks-ben játszott. Nincs mese, nálam 2024 top 10 az fix. Ja és 10"-en jelet meg 45-ös fordulaton. Szólhat mint az állat!
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