s/t LP
Landscapes of Merriment LP
Not Good For Me 7"
german dutch
italian spanish french
(US) Jan 2019
Perth, Australia’s
Zerodent returned in October with Landscapes of Merriment, released on German
label Alien Snatch. Landscapes retains the ? ’77 punk and buzzed, Stiff
Records’ style rock of 2017’s fab Soul Mender (which we fawned over
here), now burnished with greyscale shades of post-punk. The inclusion of more
active basslines compliment Predrag Delibasich’s soaring guitar melodies
and the classically earnest vocals of Lee Jenkins, particularly on (current)
personal fave, “I Live a Lie”. Fantastic. Highlights include: “I
Live a Lie”; “Utter Power”; “The Ring”.
MRR (US) #426 NOV 2018 Double the pleasure with ZERODENT’s second LP. Perth’s most remote punks channel some canonical punk sounds here (and always), taking a fairly cold post-punk approach up front, but heating things a bit with an early ’80s UK punk bite. A very measured offering, but it’s got enough brains to catapult it past mere case study. Less than 300 copies worldwide, so move quickly and with purpose. (MC)
DUSTED MAGAZINE (US) OCT 2018 Zerodent, a punk rock outfit out of Perth, Australia, returns with a faster, louder and more fleshed out follow-up to its 2016 debut. The band picked up a new rhythm section in the interim, adding Clinton Bell and Dylan Prosser, which may account for increase in density. The core duo of Predrag Delibasich and Lee Jenkins remain, slashing strings and barking mad poetry, in a thrashing, slamming, stinging continuum between Wire-ish post-punk and Clash-like clangor. Landscapes of Merriment is Zerodent’s best so far, and that’s saying something. I first caught up with Zerodent during our first Bandcamp.com feature (we’re working on another now), and observed of the Soulmender EP that “the temptation is to compare them to blunt and basic outfits like Eddy Current Suppression Ring, the punch and hook of these three cuts links them back to angry, funny, tuneful British punk like the Buzzcocks and Half Man Half Biscuit.” Landscapes explores rougher territories, still tuneful but more bruising. The recoil from these guitar licks kicks like machine gun butts. You can get a long way on a riff and some adrenaline in this sort of music, but Zerodent goes beyond that with actual hooks and even, sometimes, melody, though often expressed through the instruments rather than Jenkins spoke-sung, workingman’s rants. The double-timed drumming and ringing guitar chords of “Stay In,” recall the sweat-soaked anthemry of the Marked Men. There’s a song in there, even if it’s hammered to pieces by aggression, and you can hear it in your head when it’s over. “Perpetual Obligation” has the same kind of melodic heft, a tune that gives shape to its rattling, battering assault. Even the super-jacked, close to hard-core “It Was Never Meant to Be,” buries a hook in its juddering onslaught, and good luck trying to get it out once lodged. This is not to minimize the sheer, onrushing exultation of a punk band on its game, punching out violent tumults of guitar, bass, drums and shouts. Zerodent does that really well. But when you come out, covered with lacerations, spilled beer and anomie, you have a song in your head, too. Score. (JK)
thegrindinghalt.com (US) AUG 2017 Soul Mender EP - Zerodent is a four-piece band out of Perth, Australia. Formed way back in 2015, their excellent self-titled debut came out last year on German label, Alien Snatch! and, lo and forsooth, a new three-track EP, Soul Mender, is upon us…and it is good. There’s a righteousness inherent in a lot of the best punk, and it’s on full show here. Mixing classic ? ’77 sounds of bands like The Saints and Buzzcocks (the opening riff of the title track reminds of “Harmony In My Head”) with garage, SoCal h/c gnarl and a bit of maximum r&b, the EP is an absolute rush from start to finish. Vocalist Lee Jenkins spits, snarls and wails, driving the service to completion with the rollicking “This Time” (personal fave, though it’s hard to choose). Pass the fucking plate. The only gripe is it’s too short.Soul Member is out now, via Almost Ready. You can catch up with all things Zerodent on their fbook, and peruse their catalogue on bandcamp. Don’t see any tour dates up yet, but hopefully that will change soon
Mender EP
- Nate Knaebel, who occasionally writes for Dusted, played some Zerodent on
his radio show Burn It Down, so I was primed for brief, but extremely powerful
EP (three songs, five minutes). They’re from Australia, Perth to be exact,
so while the temptation is to compare them to blunt and basic outfits like Eddy
Current Suppression Ring, the punch and hook of these three cuts links them
back to angry, funny, tuneful British punk like the Buzzcocks and Half Man Half
Biscuit (I’m also hearing shades of latter day U.S. bands like the Observers).
The title track slashes through raw throated chants with stinging guitar licks,
while “Overbite” scrambles and snarls in rackety abandon, but I
like “This Time” the best, a ragged call to arms that is equal parts
Zero Boys and Wipers, delivered in an Aussie drawl. Zerodent’s 2016 appearance
at Goner Fest is proof #868 or so that someday I have to make it to Memphis.
Zerodent in TOP 25 2016 of PLANET TRASH!
LIFE NOISE (OZ) NOV 2016 This album is fantastic; these guys also blew me away live. I saw them at Dada Records, and was stoked to hear a simple punk band with 70s UK punk influence, like Wire and Zounds. This lo-fi recording is a joy to play at home. It’s definitely a favourite for cleaning the house, especially the track Pieces, which always has me dancing around the lounge room like an idiot. (DAC)
US TOUR (US) SEP 2016 great Interview in Unbelievably Bad Mag here. They played GONER FEST #13 and had a recorded live set at WFMU here. Awesome!
RAZORCAKE #94 (US) SEP 2016 Jangly, pleasant, ‘77 steady-beat punk. I can’t say a single thing about this record surprised me as a listener, but damn if it didn’t delight me. I knew what I was into after the first thirty seconds. The band puts their fucking all into playing a formula that feels like it should have worn out ages ago. Is it the enthusiasm or the talent that makes it shine? It’s difficult to say. I couldn’t even specifically describe anything about this record that would make it stand out from other records of its ilk. I suppose it’s much like a recipe you’ve had a hundred times made by a different chef. The flavor is only slightly different, but the time you spent with it is just as enjoyable as the other hundred meals. (BS)
MRR #399 (US) NOV 2016 This record has the modern Messthethics vibe-thin guitars scratching out naive tunes in minimal three-piece punk fashion. The songs carry on that dry, British DIY flavor - like SUBURBAN HOMES, but their looseness gives them away as Australian. They really hold a lot in common with TYVEK (even jocking a riff), but ZERODENT's approach is sunnier and less urgent. There's not a lot of teeth to their approach, a quality that can suit them well on the EDDY CURRENT SUPPRESSION RING slow burner "Reason" (a great track that went straight onto a mixtape!), but overall the vibes fall kind of bland and middle of the road, making me want a little more grit, a little more yelp. or a little more droning repetition - anything that would give it more of a discernible personality so I won't end up disregarding it as tame garage that's main redeeming quality is it might be a step in a good direction for someone who digs BLEACHED. (BW)
OX (GER) #148 Feb 2020 In einer vermeintlich ureigenen australischen Tradition, Rock’n’Roll auf seine Essenz einzudampfen, stehen ZERODENT weiterhin in einer Traditionslinie zu VICTIMS, SAINTS und EDDY CURRENT SUPPRESSION RING – lädierter No-Nonsense (Post-)Punk mit britischem DIY-Aroma der „Messthetics“ Bauruinen-Klanglandschaften. Die Gitarren bleiben clean und jangly und damit von Distortion-Mauern verschont; die Lyrics sind giftig in der Traditionslinie von TV PERSONALITIES zu SUBURBAN HOMES und die Hooks beißen sich fest, wie Singalongs des frühen SoCal-Beachpunk. Was bitte schön soll man denn daran nicht mögen? 8/10 (MB)
#141 (GER) DECEMBER 2018:
Auf „Landscapes
Of Merriment“ verdichten ZERODENT hemds ärmeligen, spröden Endzeitsound
zwischen WIRE und britischem DIY-Punk aus nachkriegsgrauen Council Houses zu
einem proletarischen Unglücks - versprechen, dessen Vertonung alles zerschrammt
und einen vor die Aufgabe stellt, die Songs unter dem Mantel der Aggression
und Frustration zunächst einmal freizulegen.Im Energielevel operieren die
zwölf Tracks dabei wie in Klang gegossene Midtempo-Handgreiflichkeiten
zwischen ZERO BOYS und THE SAINTS. Der Form nach bleibt es aber bei knöchernem
Post-Punk, dessen Trübsinnigkeit ohne Reibungsverluste aus UK ’82
oder dem belgischem Trümmer-Milieu um in die Gegenwart kanalisiert zu sein
scheint. ZOUNDS, CRISIS und Co. mögen sich weiterhin als Referenzpunkte
anbieten, doch zeigen ZERODENT deutlich mehr Biss als noch auf ihrem Debüt:
Sägewerk-Riffs sind hier eher Urheber der Hooks als die trocken herausgebellten
Vocals, denen Melodien zwar nicht gä zlich fremd sind, jedoch zumeist in
nahezu gesprochen vorgetragenen Rants eines zur Werktätigkeit Verdammten
Gestalt finden – wer es als darauf anlegt, soll diese Platte gerne direkt
Punk-Platte dieses Herbstes, keine Widerrede (9/10 MB)
126 (GER) JUNE 2016
Erwartet habe ich eine Trittbrettfahrt auf der ROYAL HEADACHE- Erfolgsschiene
und bekam ein Album, das aus dem emotionalen Brachland und den muffi gen Bunkern
der drei großen Ws der vertonten Endzeiterwartung – WALL, WARSAW
und WIRE – zu stammen scheint. Während ROYAL HEADACHE auf Versöhnung
setzen, haben ZERODENT Bock auf Dissenz, nehmen ihrem gelegentlich doch recht
poppigen Sound qua Minimalproduktion nahezu sämtliche Wärme zugunsten
eines faszinierend spröden, in pophistorischer Kälte klirrenden Touch
von JOY DIVISION und all jenen Post-Punk-Bands, für die „No future“
keine Parole, sondern trübe Gegenwart war. Stilistische Abgrenzung zur
Essenz deren Sounds schaffen bei ZERODENT Attitüde und Vortragsweise, die
kajalumrahmtem Weltschmerz eine spastisch verdrehte, aggressive Pose im Geiste
des anderen Ians, MacKaye nämlich, entgegensetzen und in der Instrumentierung
die hemdsärmeligen Trümmer- Direktive klassischer Proletarier-Bands
wie CRISIS, BUZZCOCKS oder RONDOS den aufgeräumten, dubbigen Echolot-Klanglandschaften
des Cold und No Wave vorziehen. Wenn si zwischen Pop und Dreck impulsiv rangieren,
können ZERODENT gleichermaßen ätzen, irritieren, aufwühlen
und faszinieren – und in einer besseren Gefühlslage kann man eine
Punkrock-Platte ja wohl kaum in die Auslaufrille entlassen.
ElPee Groningen (Holland) Nov 2016 Australische bands doen het bovenmatig goed bij ons. Ons soort Australische bands zit behoorlijk vaak precies op het juiste kruispunt aan invloeden van Flying Nun, Velvet Underground, Engels mid jaren ’70 DIY jingle jangle. Maar Zerodent, uit Perth, zit net even in een ander hoekje. Bij Zerodent denken we naast die TV Personalities ook aan een band als Wire, met van die lekker hakkende gitaren. Maar ook soms wel een beetje aan hun landgenoten Royal Headache. Onze vrienden van Planet Trash refereerden nog aan The Saints en The Scientists. Kortom, Zerodent staat met de poten vet in de klei van ons soort popgeschiedenis. Ze weten over al die invloeden een lekker rauw en amateuristisch Australische snotsoundje te leggen en dat levert deze bijzonder geslaagde plaat op.
Planet Trash (Holland) May 2016 Mooi dat Zerodent niet uit Engeland komt. In dat geval had de band waarschijnlijk als een bleke afspiegeling geklonken van al die bands uit die contreien uit de eerste helft van de jaren '80. Zoals Television Personalities bijvoorbeeld. Van Part-Time Punks is hier echter geen sprake. Zerodent neemt die periode namelijk als uitgangspunt, maar blijft daar niet in steken. Mooi niet. Zerodent komt namelijk uit Australië. Perth om precies te zijn. Die invloeden van Down Under worden gelijkmatig verdeeld over de tien liedjes die op deze titelloze debuut lp staan. Met een beetje goede wil hoor je er heel voorzichtig een band als The Saints doorschijnen, iets duidelijker komt een band als The Scientists om de hoek kijken, lang voordat die band wegzakte in de swamps. Om terug naar Engeland te gaan en om nog een name te droppen; Wire is ook nooit ver weg. Op de een of andere manier heeft Zerodent daar een verminkte punkdraai aan weten te geven en flikkert er ook nog een beetje powerpop tegenaan. Zerodent schudt dat allemaal achteloos uit de mouw, terwijl er onverwijld verder wordt gehakketakt op de gitaar. De zanger klinkt gaandeweg de lp steeds feller. Zijn schijnbare onverschilligheid maakt plaats voor boosheid, waarna hij zich lijkt te bedenken en zijn ergenis over zijn emotionele uitspatting niet langer weet te verbergen. Niet alleen heeft Zerodent een prikkelende plaat afgeleverd, het behoort tevens tot mijn favoriete platen van dit jaar tot dusver.
(Italy) Dec 2016
Sarebbe un errore passare oltre. Nonostante il gruppo australiano si sia scelto
un nome più conforme a un dentifricio. Nonostante il disco abbia già
qualche mese alle spalle. Nonostante questa sia musica scacciafiga niente affatto
alla moda. A 40 anni dalla nascita del punk gli Zerodent ne prendono gli scarti
di lavorazione, gli stracci. Mi riferisco al punk inglese che i ragazzi di Perth
scalano sul crinale più power pop e beat, ma quello colore grigio-mattone
Manchester (Reason). C’è più di qualcosa anche dei primi
Wire e si avverte una marcata impronta working class nella voce. Stando al presente
ricordano i connazionali Royal Headache (Pieces). Chi non è aduso a stare
sul pezzo troverà conforto in questo album che per tutta la sua durata
mantiene una linearità (magari anche piattezza) rassicurante. (MG)
KIDS AND HEROS July 2016 Je pár vydavatelství, na jejich tituly se pravidelne teším, a jedním z nich je Alien Snatch Records z Berlína. Nejnovejším titulem je první album Australanu Zerodent, které se práve tocí na mém gramofonu. Úvodní písen Joy predestírá to, co posluchace ceká na celé desce. Bezprostrední jednoduchý rocknroll v duchu teenagerského DIY punku 70. let bez zbytecných príkras, jak zvukove tak i aranove ohlodaný a na kost, aby dal vytanout na povrch tomu, co lze nazvat ciré písnickárství. Najdete tu odér australského punku i kouzlo amatérských podzemních punku z casu raných dnu stylu. Art punkové / new wave minimalistické divno-rify se obcas potkávají s tak nejak street punkem nacichlým, obhrouble hajzlíkovským zpevem. Zvuk je garáove cistý a má v sobe totálne zkušebnový punc bezprostrední jednoduchosti, na nej presne sedí anglická zkratka lo-fi. Prvním a asi nejvetším hitem na desce je pro me tretí You, linoucí se v pomalejším tempu, následovaná nekolika songy ze záveru nahrávky, jmenovite osmou, celkem slušne svinou Lucky a dalším pomalým kouskem I Am Coming In, stavící na melodické lince evokující rané nahrávky Wire. Hlavní devizou desky Zerodent je prirozenost, kluci, co si vzali nástroje, zalezli do zkušebny a bez sloitých studiových a aranérských hokusu-pokusu natocili to, jak hrají, tak jako tomu bylo za pradávných casu. Jen dnes máme místo 4-track kotoucáku laptopy od Apple.
DE GARAGE DEC 2018 Ce groupe qui publie là sont 2ème
album est de Perth, mais ne fait pas dans la Power Pop dans la tradition de
la ville. Mais plutôt une sorte de Punk... mais loin du cliché.
Puisant un tout petit peu dans le Post Punk, dans le Hard Core californien des
tout début (l’état d’esprit de la musique libre plutôt
que les clichés venus plus tard), et même un peu de la No Wave
(là encore plutôt l’esprit ouvert). En fait il n’est
pas simple de raccrocher Zerodent à une ‘scène’ et
c’est très bien ainsi. C’est ce qui donne sont intérêt
à cet album. La multiplicité des moods et ambiances. Parfois proche
de l’Art Rock, à d’autres moments teintées d’Indie
Rock. Tendues et serrées ces 12 chansons sont capable de respirations,
de contre temps et de brisures de rythmes, de mélodies et parfois même
d’un peu de groove ! Plutôt minimaliste, mais jamais clichées
Zerodent viendra tourner eu Europe en 2019. Excellente nouvelle ça !
Alors on se prépare à les recevoir en réécoutant
cet album follement réussit ! (BT)
May 2019 Zerodent je osnovan marta 2015. godine kada su se cetiri
ortaka okupila sa eljom da sviraju punk bez ikakvih pretenzija. U maju
iste godine snimaju demo i dobijaju poziv za Gonerfest. Medjutim, nedostatak
pesama i vremena za organizovanje turneje odlae to do 2016, kada nemacki
izdavac Alien Snatch! Records objavljuje njihov prvi album Zerodent sa 10 pesama.
U septembru bend odlazi na americku turneju, koja ukljucuje nekoliko koncerata,
nastup na Gonerfestu i ivi nastup na WFMU stanici. Sledece godine objavljuju
Soul Mender EP za njujorskog izdavaca Almost Ready Records. Krajem 2017. godine
dolazi do promena u bendu (dolaze novi basista i bubnjar) i nova postava odmah
snima drugi album Landscapes of Merriment, takodje za Alien Snatch! Prvi taktovi
„Stay In“ poput vremenske mašine šalju slušaoca nazad
u 70te, gde ga zakucavaju agresivnom ali estoko zaraznom post-punk melodijom.
Razigrani bubanj nosi „A True Perfection“ , dok ce gitarski rifovi
sa pocetka „I Live A Lie“ domacu publiku verovatno asocirati na
Pekinšku Patku. Gotovo svaka pesma nastavlja da svira u glavi i nakon svog
kraja, savršen primer je „Perpetual Obligation“. „Utter
Power“ je po tempu najlaganija, ali je tenzija koju nosi tekst ovde najuocljivija
- „Give yourself/Be a slave/Forget about your freedom“. Na nju se
nastavlja „Home“, koja krece minimalisticki da bi eksplodirala u
finišu. Brutalna „It Was Never Ment To Be“, ubrzana gotovo
do hard-corea, predstavlja vrhunac LPja i jedino joj moe parirati katarzicna„Divine
Sonata“, koja nemilosrdno praši do samog kraja. Zerodent se na Landscapes
of Merriment stilski nije udaljio od svog debi albuma ali ga je u svakom drugom
aspektu prevazišao. Paljiva produkcija sjajno kombinuje sirovu instrumentalnu
energiju sa harmonijama, preko kojih vokal, u polu-narativnom stilu sasipa socijalno
obojene i emotivno ogoljene tekstove. Ovaj LP je savršena muzicka podloga
za cuveni grafit – I post-pankeri su pankeri. Pravi dragulj za ljubitelje
bendova kao što su Wire, Warsaw, Zounds, Zero Boys...