"No One Knows Us Better Than" LP
german dutch
italian swedish spanish french
NOW WAVE MAGAZINE (USA) June 2005 Like only great rock n' roll bands do, The Ackermans have the power to make you believe. With energy and enthusiasm, they blast away any cynicism or skepticism you may have about the contemporary relevance of the rock n' roll form. Just when you thought you were bored to death with so-called "garage" music and its endless recycling of a seemingly tired formula, you hear this band rip it up and you're right back in love with rock n' roll. From the opening chord, you're hooked. Nothing new is being attempted, no serious statements are being made...and you wouldn't have it any other way. You dance around and jump up and down and shout "Yow!" and chase your girlfriend into the bedroom. You shut off your brain and just feel the music - it's like a jolt of electricity running through you. It's action, it's fun, it's good times incarnate. You feel alive and excited and ready to take on all comers - and not even all the misery and suffering in the world can dampen your spirits. That's why this music we all love so dearly is the best music ever - when rock n roll's good, it's practically orgasmic. Sweden's Ackermans, in existence since 1996 but just now getting around to delivering a debut LP, have made one hell of a rock n' roll record. They do a poppier version of the Euro-garage thing (Hives, Manikins, Caesars), with a heavy infusion of mod/R & B and kind of a Brit-pop feel to the vocals. Perhaps that doesn't sound revolutionary on paper, but on record it's a blast! From wire to wire, this platter is catchier than the clap and more hyper than a nine-year-old on a Red Bull bender. The Alien Snatch press release says it all: "With the loud guitars, the adrenalized and totally on the spot vocals, and a firecracker backbeat, this pop record will make you bounce your cheap flat walls off!!" Right on, brother! Listening to any of these songs, I'm reminded of those TV commercials where they show people listening to their MP3 players and dancing around like crazy and having a good time. "Come On, Come On" may be Song of the Year for 2006, and "One With Us" may be #2. And I can't get over how fucking good the vinyl sounds - so warm and crisp and just freakin' PERFECT. Records like this one may convert me back into a vinyl purist! While most indie labels send out press releases full of scenester b.s. about which big names their bands have "shared the stage" with and how many rave reviews they've gotten from douche bags like me, Alien Snatch instead warns you that listening to this album may get you "arrested for acting goofy in public traffic". God bless Daniel - he understands rock n' roll! And he sure does know how to pick 'em! Ackermans, Kidnappers, Mojomatics, Fevers, Real Losers, Locomotions...Alien Snatch Records is the International House of Rock n' Roll! (JR)
SOUNDFLAT(GERMANY) MAY 2006 Debut-album by these swedish mods in worn out chucks and striped shirts. Grown up with that kinda high-energy pop only Scandinavia is able to create, they carry this tradition to the next level, offering us their hyperactive model of power-pop. The result is an amazing mixture of the irrepressible self-confidence of modern garage bands like the HIVES and the MANIKINS, the pop sensibility of MANDO DIAO, the stunning power-pop of the YUM YUMS and PSYCHOTIC YOUTH and the refreshing brit-pop brilliance of ART BRUT. With the loud guitars, the adrenalized and totally on the spot vocals and a firecracker backbeat this pop record will make you bounce your cheap flat walls off!! The album comes on 180g heavy virgin vinyl!
MAGAZINE (SWEDEN) SEP 2006 Alien Snatch did a bang up job with mastering, taking out lame songs and artwork.. Compared to their Swedish released CD this is killer. However thy’re a still a bit too indie-sounding, yet catchy, and sometimes that just get too apparent. I wish they’d just gor for raw power which would make them a helluva lot cooler. But if you like your garage poppy and catchy in a HIVES kinda way then this might just be the right record for you. (Thomas)
OX #66 (GER) JUNE 2006: Da hat sich Alien Snatch ja mal wieder einen dicken Fisch an Land gezogen, denn die schwedischen ACKERMANS könnten locker das nächste „große Ding“ werden. Erstklassiger Powerpop mit jeder Menge Punkrock- Drive macht die schicke 180g-Vinyl-LP zum echten Leckerbissen für Liebhaber von skandinavischen Hitsounds! Mal ehrlich, hier reiht sich echt ein Tanz.ächenfeger an den nächsten, kein einziger Ausfall ist auszumachen. Soll ich noch Referenzen nennen? Nun ja, die Biene auf dem Cover wird womöglich kein Zufall sein, womit wir schon bei den HIVES wären. Dazu noch eine Prise MANDO DIAO und eine gehörige Portion Eigenständigkeit, die die genannten Vorbilder sogar recht schnell verblassen lassen. So können mit dieser Scheibe sowohl gestandene Punkrocker als auch hippe Indiegirls glücklich werden und deswegen sollte sich die ACKERMANS niemand entgehen lassen! (8/10) (BF)
(GERMANY) MAY 2006 Die ACKERMANS erinnern an klassischen Powerpop
wie auch an englischen Pop Punk der späten 70er Jahre, besitzen dazu aber
die frische und den Drive moderner skandinavischer Garage Bands wie etwa der
HIVES oder MANIKINS. Dazu kommt ein äußerst komplexes Songwriting
mit der sich der Fünfer dann doch stark von den anderen skandinavischen
Bands abhebt. Insgesamt 11 ungestüme, aber dennoch bis ins Detail ausgefeilte
Powerpop Punk Perlen aus der Garage. Kleiner Schönheitsfehler ist vielleicht,
daß alle 4 Songs von ihrer Debüt-7"
enthalten sind - hier immerhin in brandneuen Versionen. (ALIEN SNATCH)
Dig It ! (FRANCE) AUG 2006 Champion jusqu'au-boutiste du vinyle sous toutes ses formes (45t, LP et 10", 180g, pic-disc, vinyle coloré, etc...) Le boss allemand d'Alien Snatch Rds, balance deux nouvelles belles pièces (les 100 premières copies sont orange ou rose) qui devraient facilement trouver le chemin de vos platines pour peu que le concessionnaire de votre quartier ait encore une étagère assez solide pour recevoir les galettes de 30cm et 180 grammes. The Ackermans sortent d'une banlieue de Stockholm où ils peaufinent depuis dix ans leur garage power pop énervé à guitares sonnantes mais jamais trébuchantes. Pensez à des Yum Yums ou Boss Martians un poil moins expérimentés et laissez tomber d'éventuels soupçons de passéisme ou académisme, puisque parmi les noms qui reviennent le plus souvent pour les définir depuis leur premier single (ils en ont quatre sous la ceinture), ceux des Hives ou Manikins leur font une belle caution "new rock de première bourre". Voilà pour les bases. L'album (No One Knows Us Better Than The...), d'abord paru en CD chez les Suédois de Plugged Rds, se laisse écouter d'une traite et sans ennui, le groupe s'amuse avec les choeurs, pilonne des riffs à tirs tendus et crache de brefs solos acérés, fait tournoyer des refrains qui tapent dans le mille, ne lève jamais le pied et... bref, la recette est connue mais la manière s'avère ici décisive. L'été commence bien. (GC)
RUMORE #178 (Italy) NOV 2006 C"è da scommetterci che con una robusta spinta promozionale gli Ackermans avrebbero spopolato. E anche se così non è stato, sarebbe un delitto ignorare l’esordio lungo del quintetto di Stoccolma, ora disponibile in tutta Europa nella sciccosa versione vinilica. No One Knows… contiene 11 perle power-pop-punk in odor di garage e, cosa alquanto inusuale, non c'è l'ombra di un solo riempitivo. Tutti i pezzi sono potenziali hit che piaceranno ai figli dell annoiata Mtv generation, così come ai più scafati fan del r'n'r martellante. Credetemi, Sweet Goodbye, Twist It, Walk You Home sono una mano santa sia per i nostalgici del power-pop de antan che per i seguaci di Hives, Mando Diao, Art Brut e modernariato vario. Alla luce di questo ennesimo bel disco tirato fuori dal cilindro della Alien Snatch! Records, sorge spontanea una domanda: si decideranno mai i distributori indie italiani e spacciare nella terra dei cachi i dischi della label tedesca? (Manuel "manwell" Graziani)
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